Crystal Clear Pools30th Aniversary

1. Click the "Pay Now" button above . This will take you to the secure PayPal page.

2. Enter the amount you are paying in the Unit Price box at the top of the page.

3. Click Continue at the bottom of the page.

4. On the payee page enter your information and click Review Order and Continue at the bottom.

5. If the information is correct click Pay Now.

NOTE: If you are experiencing any difficulty making your payment on line through PayPal, it could be that PayPal’s Server or processing functionality may be down, your Internet connection is down, your browser version is not current or for other technical problems. Our site is ideally viewed in Internet Explorer (I.E.) Version7 or 8, Firefox 3.5 or Chrome. These difficulties usually clear up on their own, so we suggest coming back after a few hours and trying again. If the problem persists for more than 8 hours, we suggest you E-mail or call us at 904-419-2468 with specific details as to the error(s) you are experiencing.